Quality content is more important than ever. Therefore conveyed SCRIBERS[HUB] First -class copywriters, authors and journalists for every industry, every topic, every channel. In the "Content Buzzer" interview series, Sabine Fäth-founder of Scriber's [Hub]-communication professionals ask these questions every 14 days ...
Gloria von Bronewski, Editor -in -chief Robb Report
What does content mean to you?
In the best case, information and escapism. A break from everyday life. Especially with lifestyle and luxury content, it quickly becomes interchangeable- and unfortunately often remains superficial. It is an art to emphasize aesthetically appealing content in the digital world and at the same time tell a good story. Too often it is either clickbait or an advertising video without added value that is only beautiful to look at. But few brands wonder: What is my target group really interested in? How can I enrich their everyday life? How do the beautiful pictures stay in the head? Especially in lifestyle journalism, the boundaries between advertising and journalistic content quickly and clichés are confirmed. The task for my team and me? The topics that are written about, curate exactly, know very well, have experienced the product itself and do not simply take on PR texts blindly.
What was the worst content you ever met?
Unfortunately 98 percent of the series and films that can be found on the streaming platforms. It often feels like scripts with a trend word bingo were carelessly thrown together. When I let myself be carried away by a hype and reactivate my account, I get out of disappointed after a few days.
How does good content succeed in times of ChatGPT and Co?
In journalism by researching well and transmitting a reflected opinion. Clever columns and the journalists behind it will never be replaced. However, if it is about branded content, you must have completely understood the brand behind it. It takes real conversations, clear briefings and above all creativity in advance. It was not for nothing that an image film from Volvo produced by a private person with AI recently made the headlines, because just producing something opulent and visual stalks is nice, but in these stimulating times you have to put the message and added value for the target group in the foreground in order to remain relevant. This sensitivity will not be able to replace AI.
Content is always...
... a new chance every day to make someone the day more beautiful, more efficient or smarter.