How you can recognize good freelance copywriters

If you are looking for a good freelance textor for a project, you will quickly notice: The selection of freelance writers is great. But what can be seen from who does a really good job? Here we have put together some basic information about the work of free texters so that you can find the perfect match for your content order.


That is why freelance textors are in demand 

With a good freelance text at your side, you can make every content project almost effortlessly. As experienced experts, you know how content should be prepared in order to address the respective target group and meet the requirements of a company. The characteristics of a good text that are not to be underestimated are spelling as well as tonality, choice of words and style that are compatible with the corporate identity.

Good copywriters make up that they can work flexibly and adapt to the wishes and needs of their customers - both in terms of deadlines as well as the depth of knowledge and content to be conveyed. Ideally, you know yourself particularly well in a specialty or have additional qualifications. This includes, for example, a background in the PR industry, an apprenticeship in medical sector, Experience in marketing or a strong SEO affinity

Also for text localization, copywriters are now becoming increasingly important for websites, online shops and General content to translate on a native -language level. Creativity and linguistic sensitivity are therefore almost indispensable for writers.


What is an online textor? 

Many freelancers find their very own niche in the industry, in which they feel comfortable and for which they have experience. This also includes writing SEO-optimized texts, product recommendations, service texts, marketing claims or mission statements for brands. The online trade is booming more than ever and many smaller companies now operate their own websites on which products and services are visible to customers and partners. Online texts provide the content for such websites so that a company can present and position itself as desired.


Therefore, many copywriters prefer freelance work 

There are many freelancers who are happy in a copywriter agency or in conventional companies as permanent employees. However, the profession is ideal for being successful on a free basis. Because often companies have no need for regular text work and therefore do not employ their own content team. For the creation of campaigns, websites and product texts, agencies or freelancers who specialize in the creation are then hired. If you are looking for a copywriter in Germany for a project, you have the choice between freelancers who work for themselves, and a company who commissiones or mediates qualified staff.


What does one copywriter per hour cost? 

If copywriters are freelance and not bound to a company as permanent employees, they often have a precise idea of ​​their fee. Nevertheless, the prices for freelance textors can vary very differently, since the payment has to be covered by personal and professional costs, but an appropriate remuneration for the individual qualifications is also chosen. 

In principle, there is therefore no general price list for copywriters - depending on the type of text, knowledge and urgency, an average of hourly rates between 50 and 120 euros may occur. Instead of brooding about the question "What does a good copywriter cost?", You should rather ask yourself how much you are ready for good content, which will bring you and your business. This is the only way you can ultimately find competent support that provides you with the necessary quality and preserves you from unnecessary expenses to optimize poor texts.


Find a good freelance textor-that's how it works quickly and easily 

Instead of sending individual inquiries or searching through a flood of answers after a job advertisement, the request is recommended via a boutique mediation such as Scribers [Hub].

We only suggest verified and highly qualified freelancers who understand their craft and fit their project. So you can choose the perfect contractor from a list of suggestions. To receive placement proposals, just write us an inquiry with a detailed description of your project.


You should explain the following points in your request: 

  • What kind of copywriter are you looking for?
  • What tasks does your order include?
  • Do you place special requirements or are there any main topics?
  • For which time frame do you want to find a copywriter?
  • When should your freelancer start and is there a deadline?
  • Can you name your prices for freelance textors (hourly or daily rate, flat rate) or do you have a budget upper limit when it comes to the Freelance Texter fee?


Tip: The more extensive the briefing is, the better-this also applies if you search for a freelance textor on your own. In this way you can avoid misunderstandings or failures. At the same time, they save a lot of additional effort during the order.

The subsequent work with the freelance textor can start immediately after successful mediation, so you don't lose time. If the deadline allows it, you can also agree on a trial text. Companies whose focus has so far not been on the creation of content can be sure to get to a qualified contractor.



A professional copywriter is always worth his money - many companies that have relied on favorable freelancers and then had to improve them can sing a song. Because the price usually reflects the quality that can deliver free copywriters. From experience, however, we know: For an adequately calculated budget, you can find a suitable freelance textor who can be a real enrichment for your business in the long run.

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